
Needs Vs. Wants

I had a run-in with my wardrobe today, or really, lack of desirable wardrobe. We were getting ready for my sister-in-law's 30th birthday dinner and every item of clothing I tried on was either too pilly (is that a word?), too stretched out, or just plain too out of style! Don't let me lead you astray, I have many clothes, and I can even squeeze into most of them despite leftover lovehandles from two pregnancies (thank you Sage & Aspen). But today I felt like I needed to buy the entire Ross store and makeover my closet. I was actually really frustrated. Aspen probably became dizzy watching me go in and out of my closet as I went through various outfits, nothing of which satisfied me. The worst part was when Ryan tried to look for a shirt for me to wear and actually said, "Wow, you really don't have anything in here." I screamed inside, I need new clothes!

A few minutes later I was pouring some tea into a paper cup for the road and I couldn't help but smile at my clothing catastrophe, or so it seemed. What really do I need, I thought. I need food. I need water. I need shelter. And I need clothing to keep me warm. As I was coming out of my self-obsessed fog I thought of many things, but mostly of others who are in need of just the basics. And yet I have the basics, and God tells me he will provide for all my needs, and I still yearn and cry out for more. So what does this mean for me? For me it comes down to perspective and verbage. Perspective: I have clothes. Are they clothes I love? No, but I have clothes. Verbage: I would love to (instead of, "I need to") buy more clothes, when, if at all, that is possible in the near future. Okay, that's better. Now I can sleep without worrying about all those clothes I need to buy!


Anonymous said...

I totally know what you mean Amber. Sometimes (like this weekend) I think that I NEED new clothes, but then I remember all that I have been given already and even though I might WANT new clothes... I really don't NEED new clothes.

Ryan said...

But sometimes it's really really fun to buy new clothes...even when you don't NEED them ;-)

Ginger said...

Amber, you are one of the most generous women I know and would give something to someone else before you would buy it for yourself. You don't get caught up in the consumerism of today and I love that. It makes you so "authentic"....What you see is what you get and I love that. More importantly you are appear very content with your lot in life....that is to be admired.

I totally get what you are saying though...It is difficult to live in the balance and live life in moderation and it is a stuggle to be content.

Anonymous said...

OH...my...too bad that you can't wear something from one of my many, many tubs~! But what I really need is to wear a smaller size~! I wonder if the tubs would then go away?