
More happy thoughts...

While I was waiting for my dentist appointment this morning I read something interesting about our happiness. The author of the article I was reading commented that the state of happiness lasts longer when we share our happy events with others. At first I was like, huh? And then all of my blogging friends came into mind ... I think we share a lot of joy within the blogging world. When funny things happen, we jot them down as best we can and click "publish post," and make others smile, and no doubt, ourselves too. So keep passing along the joy : )


mandrews said...

That's super cool Amber and I totally agree with you (and whoever published the article you were reading)... How did the Dentist appointment go?

Christine H. said...

Cool! And it was nice that you got to smile while in the dentist office. HOW OFTEN DOES THAT HAPPEN? lol