

I don't remember coming across the chapter titled, "Guilt" when I was reading my parenting books and magazines. And yet it is a part of my every day life, sometimes in the background and sometimes in the forefront. Like today, for instance. Aspen has been cranky since Monday and running a fever since Tuesday, so I took her to the doctor today. Come to find out she has a double ear infection (i.e. ear infection in both ears). Oh, that's why she has been screaming at me for two days. Guilt, guilt, guilt. Then of course it is I who made her sick because I weaned her from her morning snack/recreational suckling on Monday and so she must not have been getting the antibodies that she needed to fight the infection. Again, guilt, guilt, guilt, guilt, guilt. We moms have to make so many decisions everyday that we are bound to mess up here and there and feel guilty for things that are out of our control. At least I took her to the doctor today and didn't decide to wait it out over the weekend!


Anonymous said...

NO FEELING GUILTY ALLOWED~! You are a fantastic mom...You do one million great things every minute so you are not allowed to focus on one little ear infection. Drs are here to help and that is what they do best. You do everything great~! MM

Anonymous said...

Oh Amber! No guilt for sure. I nursed Abby for 13 months and she had 3 ear infections despite the fact that kids who are nursed have less ear infections. So go figure. There definitely can't be guilt in parenting because we are still human and always have our kids best interests at heart. Hang in there and hugs to you all!

Ginger said...

I totally understand. I feel guilty several times daily. I feel guilty about the having him in his play arena. It doesn't help when a funny aunt calls it a cage.
I felt guilty becuase I was giving him an egg yolk every day intead of the every other day that is recommended. He must already have high cholestrol. I felt guilty today becuase we had no outside playtime and it was beautiful to boot. Well the list goes on, as you well know. I know we are great parents so I push it off.
I'm sorry about Aspen though, poor little lamb. I have often thought that it's no coincidence that little children have no memories before they can tell us verbally what's wrong. God had a plan in that, and I think it is that we must rely on him and remember every moment of the day, that He is in control. Yes we are the instruments, but he uses us as he wills.

Anonymous said...

Great, honest post. I am always thankful that so far they are still too young to remember any of our shortcomings... for a while we are still off the hook! :)