I am a bookkeeper for an architect, but actually designing structures?? -- nope! We assembled a gingerbread house at my mom's tonight along with two graham cracker houses (shacks, really). After lots of laughs and some frustration over a crooked frame and a slipping roof, we finished it! The girls did all of the decorations with little help from me. I felt sick from eating so much icing ... can't even imagine what they feel like since they ate the icing by the spoonfuls in between samplings of the candies. All good fun.
Awesome pictures. What fun memories!
I'm feeling a little nauseous just looking at all the sweet stuff.
I DO think they turned out way cute though!!
Oh, how fun,,,Mom was suppose to let me know when she was doing it..We were going to come up. P and I have one to do next week.
Those are great! I have been dreading the Gingerbread House making day...I know one of these days (years), I'll have to do it...last year the sugar cookie day was exhausting enough. Some day...
The girls are getting so big!! Christine-Those Gingerbread House kits sure do help a lot. Although homemade gingerbread tastes much better. Not that I've made it. =)
How fun! I remember making those at Jackies house with you... :) We also have the tree and I am debating making it this year. I just finished three batches of toffee to give as gifts and next I am making gingerbread men. So I don't know if anything will come after that... :) Cute stuff...
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