
It's Official

Our summer bedtime, (and by "our" I mean our kids' bedtime) is officially now 9pm. What? How is that possible? I don't know ... maybe it's the late sunsets or the various activities we are attending ... or maybe it's just how it is in the summer. At least the kids are sleeping in later than normal so we get to "sleep-in" until 7:15 a.m.!


mandrews said...

Yay for sleeping in late!!! I wish I had the time to sleep in late. We need to get together and have a movie night soon.

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic news! And I thought that I was in trouble for watching Tigger at 8:30 last night and then here comes Aspen! Maybe they will sleep in until 8:00.

Christine H. said...

Isn't that sad that "sleeping in" is 7:15?!
Oh, I figured out the profile picture thing, finally! It took a lot of doing. Thanks for your help.

heidibelle said...

Oh I know the feeling. I have mine in bed, it is 8:01, but one is crying and the others wont be asleep till at least 9pm. It is just too bright!!! :)

hestermom said...

Yes, we have also pushed back bedtime. We get them in bed at 8pm, or try to anyway, but they are still talking, laughing, giggling, and oh yes, taking trips to the potty.