
New Woman - Part II

I didn't even know there would be a part two to this blog, but there just is. A few blogs ago I wrote about hunger and Michaela asked me via her comment if I meant spiritual hunger or food hunger. I felt a little convicted -- I had not even thought about spiritual hunger since I was so focused on my vegetable intake. But today I have spirtual hunger. My women's group met for a training day this morning to usher us into the new year and introduce the study we will be going through over the course of the next 8 or so weeks. And I am excited! I am ready to get back to daily and/or weekly Bible reading; challenging my spirituality and walk with the big guy. I am hungry to learn from others and fellowship with my mom's group. I am a new woman today -- with not just a clear nose but a beating heart also to learn more about my purpose here on Earth.


mandrews said...

Glad I could help Amber...

hestermom said...

me too, I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!!