
Glass Half Empty

Okay, it's been a week since my last post and I really hope that you haven't deleted me from your favorites already. But, in my defense, this past week has been crazy. Here is a little snapshot of the craziness ....

Have you ever tried to reason with a 2 1/2 year-old? I left Sage's sleeping buddies at my mom's house (penguin & bunny) and this is how things went down as I tried to put her to bed:
Sage: I want my penguin!!!! (screaming at the top of her lungs)
Me: Hunny, mommy left your penguin at grandma's house, so we can't get it until tomorrow.
Sage: But I want my penguin!!! (red faced, big cry)
Me: Sweetie, I know you want your penguin, but it's not here right now.
Sage: I want my penguin!!! (lots and lots of tears now)
Me: Look, we have one of your bunnies (it's a back-up bunny, identical to the other one). At least we have one of your bunnies. Thank goodness mommy kept one bunny at home so you can sleep with it tonight. (don't you see how thoughtful I am and how lucky you are???)
Sage: Maybe grandma can get my penguin.
Me: No, grandma is at home and she can't bring us the penguin. I am sorry. Let's be happy we have one bunny. (Really Amber, "let's be happy??")

Okay, so it wasn't the best attempt, and my mom laughed really loud when I retold her my story to which she sarcastically responded, "Doesn't she understand the glass is half-full?" Nope. Ryan is heading over there tonight to pick up the animals just in case I hear cries for "the penguin" in the middle of the night. God knows there is no way I am going to be able to reason my way out of that one at 2 a.m. when all coping skills have exited the premises.

1 comment:

Ginger said...

I sewed extra lovey for this reason too, But I for to rotate them....already he knows which is the "real" lovey.

Gotta lovey that...