
Moldy Bread

How many times have I gone to make some toast only to find that the bread was moldy? My first inclination is to be irritated because I was probably looking forward to a piece of toast and now I would have to switch to some other non-molded food. I am not quite sure who I am irritated at, though. Am I irritated with the bread? Am I irritated at the store from where I bought the bread? Maybe I should be irritated with myself for overbuying in the first place. We live in abundance. Our refrigerators can house a week's worth of food which is good, but is it? How often do I forget what is in my fridge only to find week-old leftovers stuffed in the back corner ... molded? I recently read that we should keep a log of what is in our freezers. In order to do this I had to go through my freezer ... that was interesting. So, what's in your freezer and do you have any moldy bread in your house?


frisky said...

Were you reading FlyLady? I get so irritated, I think with myself mostly, when food spoils or I buy the store brand only to find out that it doesn't taste anything like the original. Thank goodness we have kids that can't tell the difference (usually)! I was referring to the Nilla wafers compared to the Safeway Vanilla wafers, in case you were wondering... although there's really no comparison! Phew, glad I got all that off my chest!!

ATSmith said...

Guess I won't be buying those Nilla wafers!!

Christine H. said...

Thanks, Gina!

So, what irritates me is when milk goes bad before the expiration date and I still have half a gallon left. This has happened to me twice now, so last time I took in the empty carton (I dumped out the milk) and asked Vons for more. I even told them that I wanted two gallons because it has happened twice. And they said (not too willingly) to go get two more gallons. At $6.39 for two gallons, I want the milk to last until the expiration date!

hestermom said...

Okay, I will say, though, that if you buy bread from Trader Joe's and forget to put it in the fridge, it will probably mold in a few days, or sooner if it is summer time and really hot. I have had that happen and then I am just frustrated at myself for forgetting. Bagels, too. =)

Anonymous said...

The moldy bread at our house is usually under one of the kids' beds. They hide it everywhere, like orphans. Drives me crazy!