
So ...

...this is what life is like when your kids stop taking naps. I always wondered when this day would come and what it would look like. Over the summer the late bed times (9 ... sometimes 10) weren't a problem. In the summer you don't eat dinner until 8 anyway, so 9 or 10 doesn't seem too bad. Then comes day-light-savings, otherwise known as -- moms going crazy with their kids in the house, in the dark from 5 until bed time : ) Anyways ... the naps were causing painful bedtime routines ... too many empty threats to "xy &z, if you don't ab&c RIGHT NOW!" So, no more naps for the girls. The day is a little longer. Although I have the kids watch a show for about 1 hr in the middle of the day so I can get a little break. But you wanna know something fabulous? It is 7:35 pm and the house is quiet and peaceful. I am thinking this is going to be o.k.


hestermom said...

so glad you're surviving the time change. We are faring, although I am not sure well. Caleb and Noah are still getting up before 6am, usually just about the time I put Ezra back to sleep after a feeding. Grumpy mommy prefers 7 pm or so to be "getting dark" time. Ah, change. Just have to keep my eyes on the good things... fires to keep warm, tea and hot chocolate, cozy sweaters...=)

Christine H. said...

Hurray for quiet!

frisky said...

Naps aren't always what they're cracked up to be. My kids aren't big nappers, but they sure do sleep good at night!

Anonymous said...

oh my what a decison. Abby is getting there. The naps are getting fewer and farther between but she still needs her downtime. I have been going stir crazy with it dark at 5 and being inside. What a long evening it makes!