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Some links to further our blogging communication ....




frisky said...

This was my favorite (and not that it pertains to me, but it was still cool)....


It means I like to skateboard or that I'm a skater.
Yeah, definitely not for me, I have to hang on to Riley the entire time when I use his skateboard!

Jennifer said...

Now I want to write a short story using as many as possible, then wait to see how long it would take people to translate... accurately.
It took me a while to figure out your title. I was pretty sure you weren't a Klingon!

%OD with No Longer :-& on my lap

ATSmith said...

I like the skater ... very fun.

Christine H. said...

Someone has way too much time on their hands...

Please tell me who you are, Amber. Klingdon was the closest I got then I gave up. Put me out of my misery!

I bet Gina loved this!

I liked hair standing on end
= : - )

I would have liked Pirate, but it didn't look like a pirate!

Christine H. said...

``:.. ><(((ยบ> ...:

I just remembered this one I learned a long time ago...it's a fish!

ATSmith said...

I like the fish Christine. Okay Christine -- I'll put you out of your misery. My title says, "Whatever."
: )

Ginger said...

Still O0o:-) of something clever to write.